Sourcing Far East = SAFE

We are excited to launch our new site and branding. Our new name is SAFE, which stands for Source Across Far East. All visitors to will now be redirected to our new site:

Why we changed our name

Whilst Sourcing Far East definitely explains what we do, we felt it is not distinctive enough as there are many other agents using similar names, such as Far East Sourcing. On the other hand, SAFE describes one of our specialisms – supplying crucial PPE for paramedics and other key-workers – particularly in Africa, where strong nitrile gloves are essential. It also reassures our suppliers and customers that you are in safe hands.

South Africa to Far East
We scour Asian suppliers to find products for Africa

South Africa to the Far East (and vice versa)

SA-FE is also an acronym for Sourcing Agents-Far East and describes our origin story. Our founding directors are very proud of their South African roots, and wanted to be seen as a trusted African connection to Asia. Of course, we don’t just cater to Africa, we invite sourcing requests from all the world looking to outsource to Asia. We understand both western and eastern markets and have established connections across the Far East. SA-FE will do the work for you – scouring the world’s workshop for the parts you need. Get in touch to see how we can help with your import/export needs.

New logo for Sourcing Far East
our new logo

Safe Trade

The Chinese characters in our logo: 安全采购 (Ānquán Cǎigòu) translate as “Safe Purchase” – emphasizing a fair trade between suppliers and buyers. Find out more about Sourcing Across Far East here.

Is outsourcing to Asia really safe?

Outsourcing is not without risks – especially if you try to do it all on your own. That’s where we can help. We aim to be your trusted sourcing agent, striving to supply the goods you need – with minimal risk – made in a safe and ethical workplace. Find out more about how to source products from Asian manufacturers the right way.

Intellectual Property

We take all client’s intellectual property very seriously, and expect the same from you. All current and former SA-FE logos & symbols are the property of SAFE. These trademarks may only be used in order to promote our sourcing agency and should not be used in a way that implies any form of endorsement or partnership unless agreed in writing. Please see our terms & copyrights for more info about partnerships and linking to our site.

New Branding, Illustration & Website Design by MW Creative Services

Also a big thank you to Blog About Business for producing our original logo design.

SAFE Connection

Note: “SAFE Connection” aka S.A.F.E is also the name of the South Africa Far East fibre optic data cable linking South Africa to Malaysia, via Cape Town, Kwazulu-Natal – Réunion – Mauritius – Kochi, India and Penang, Malaysia. This is a completely unrelated project.